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Stalker 2: All Electronic Collars Locations for Shcherba (In The Name of Science Side Quest)

Stalker 2 In The Name of Science is a Side Quest where you’re supposed to Collect Electronic Collars for Shcherba. There are four electronic collars scattered throughout the zone, all tied to different mutants. You can also collect the Electronic Collars without starting the Side Quest, so it’s up to you. Here are all Stalker 2 Electronic Collar Locations for the In The Name of Science Side Quest.

Stalker 2 In The Name of Science Side Quest: Electronic Collar Location 1 – Malachite, Brain Scorcher

The first Electronic Collar in Stalker 2 for the In The Name of Science Side Quest is found in the Malachite Region in the Brain Scorcher Location. Here, you’ll find two Mercenaries who have fortunately taken care of the Mutant and taken the Electronic Collar. You can choose to buy the Electronic Collar for 1500 Coupons or attack them.

Electronic Collar Location 2: Red Forest, Containers

The Second Electronic Collar for the In The Name Science Side Quest in Stalker 2 can be found at the Containers Location in the Red Forest Region. First, kill all the bandits and clear the area. Afterward, you’ll spot a yellow box that leads you to the top of a container.

Clear the boxes blocking the way, and you’ll find an Anomaly. Drop down and you’ll encounter a Pseudogiant. Make sure to pack some heat, like auto shotguns and beefy ARs. After taking out the Pseudogiant, you can collect the 2nd Electronic Collar.

Electronic Collar Location 3: Wild Island, Boathouse

The third electronic collar location for In The Name of Science Side Quest in Stalker is located in the Wild Island region at the Boathouse Location. Here, two Duty NPCs will ask you to cover them to lure out “The Beast” inside. If you go inside, you’ll encounter a Bayun. The Bayun will multiply and chase you down.

It’s frustrating, but the trick to killing the Bayun is to observe the NPCs. They’ll shoot at the real Bayun. Wait for them to take it out or help them. Collect the third Electronic Collar from the Bayun’s Corpse.

Electronic Collar Location 4: Zaton, Hydrodynamics Lab

The Fourth Electronic Collar is Located in Zaton at the Hydrodynamics Lab Location. Vault into the building and climb the stairs to the first floor. Beware of the Zombies. After clearing out the Zombies, you’ll encounter The Controller Mutant. Take out the Controller to get the Fourth Electronic Collar for Shcherba.