There are tons of unique weapons in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, and they’re hidden across the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. The Dnipro in Stalker 2 is one of the best Assault Rifles in the game. And there are two locations where you can find the Dnipro. In addition, we’ll show you the Dnipro Upgrade Blueprint locations, the Dnipro Coupled Magazines Upgrade, and the Unique “Hunter” Sniper Rifle Weapon located at the Journalist’s Stash in Pripyat. So, here are all the Dnipro Weapon Locations and Upgrades in Stalker 2.
Stalker 2 Dnipro All Locations (Best Assault Rifle)
The Dnipro in Stalker 2 is located in the Cooling Tower Region and the Journalist’s Stash is in Pripyat. The Dnipro is one of the best Assault rifles in Stalker 2, making the treacherous Zone easier to deal with.
Stalker 2 Dnipro Location 1: Cooling Tower Location
Right near the Fire Whirl Anomaly where you get the Weird Nut Legendary Altered Item, you’ll find a ladder leading to a Teleportation Anomaly. Climb the ladder and enter the Teleportation Anomaly.
You’ll be transported to a spiral wooden pathway around the wall of the Cooling Towers. Follow the path till the end. On top of some tubing, you’ll find the first location of the Dnipro Assault Rifle in Stalker 2. The problem with this specific Dnipro is that its durability stands at 33 percent.
Dnipro Location 2: Lischnya Facility, Red Forest
Head to the Lischnya Facility location marked on the map. You’ll hear a radio playing some music there. There’s a bunker heading downstairs, but be careful as the area is encroached with Zombies. Shoot the zombie and loot the bunker to get two keys. The first key is used to unlock the Lischnya Facility’s entrance, found left of the bunker. In addition, you’ll find a medium durability Tactical Helmet here.
Be ready with a beefy SMG or LMG. Thankfully, the Zone blessed me with a random RPM-7 spawn in my inventory, which helped me mow down all the Zombies at the entrance. Use PSI-Block as you’ll be going up against a Controller. At the end of the path, climb the ladder on the left and interact with the big red button to unlock a door. Mow down the Controller and remaining zombies.
At the end of the Lischnya Facility, you’ll find a room containing a 100 Percent Durability Dnipro, and some goodies like med kits, ammo, and bandages.
Stalker 2 Tactical Helmet Location and Plexiglass Overlay Protective Coating Upgrade Blueprint

The tactical helmet is found in the Zombie bunker right of the Lischnya Facility in Yaniv. After clearing the Lischnya Facility and making it to the last room containing the Dnipro. You’ll also find the Plexiglass Overlay Protective Coating Upgrade Blueprint for the Tactical Helmet in Stalker 2 inside a blue stash on the left. You can repair the old Tactical Helmet and use the upgrade blueprint if you fancy it.
Stalker 2 Dnipro Location 3: Pripyat Journalists Stash Keypad Door Code Puzzle Solution
Head to the Journalist’s Stash location as shown on the map, and you’ll find yourself in front of a building. Enter the building, move past the hallway, and turn left to find a flight of stairs. Keep climbing the flight of stairs till you come across a free SVDM 2 on the floor. Enter the room, turn left, and you’ll find the Journalist’s Stash Keypad Door Code Puzzle. The Solution to the Keypad Door Code Puzzle is “2021”.
Inside, you’ll find a headless body, some gibberish scribbling on the wall, and a bed on the left with a duffel bag stashed on top of it. Here, you’ll find the second location of the Dnipro in Stalker 2.
Stalker 2 Dnipro Weapon Upgrade Blueprints Locations
The best Assault Rifle in the game deserves a few upgrades, doesn’t it? So far, I’ve found two unique weapon upgrade blueprint locations for the Dnipro in Stalker 2. The first Dnipro upgrade is found at the Conjoined Wagons Location in the Yaniv Region. The second upgrade is found at the White House Location in Pripyat.
Stalker 2 Dnipro Extra Barrel Rifling Upgrade Blueprint Location – Conjoined Wagons Location in Yaniv Region
The Extra Barrel Rifling Upgrade Blueprint is located near the Tornado Arch Anomaly at the Conjoined Wagons. Vault and enter the Conjoined Wagon. At the end, you’ll find a stash containing the Extra Barrel Rifling Upgrade for the Dnipro.
Stalker 2 Dnipro 7.62×39 Upgrade Blueprint Location – White House Pripyat
Head to the White House in Pripyat and climb the flight of stairs to the first floor. There, you’ll find a bookshelf maze and within it, you’ll locate a Blue Stash containing the 7.62×39 Weapon Upgrade Blueprint. This upgrade can be used for the Dnipro and Vulcan.
Coupled Dnipro Magazines Upgrade Location
To get the Coupled Dnipro Magazine’s Upgrade, you first need to take out the wave of Zombies and talk to Father Valerian North of the Fire Whril Anomaly in a Train Wagon. Help Father Valerian, and he’ll mark his stash on your PDA. Father Valerian’s Stash and the Coupled Dnipro Magazine Upgrade is found in a small quarter at the Eastern Corner of the Cooling Towers Region. The closest Point of Interest is the Field Radiobiology Base.
Stalker 2 Hunter Sniper Rifle Unique Weapon Location – Pripyat Journalist’s Stash
The Stalker 2 Unique Weapon dubbed the “Hunter” Sniper Rifle is located in the Journalist’s Stash, where you can also find the Dnipro. Enter the building, climb the flight of stairs, and turn left to access the Journalist Stash Keypad Door Code Puzzle. The Solution to the Keypad Door Code is “2021”. Look to the right and head to the Balcony to find the Journalist’s Stash in Pripyat. Inside, you’ll find the Hunter Sniper Rifle in Stalker 2.