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Space Marine 2 How To Level Up Fast (Ultimate Leveling and XP Guide)

Warhammer Space Marine 2 throws six badass classes at you, each with its own leveling grind up to level 25. Getting there can feel like a slog, but don’t worry, this Space Marines 2 Leveling Guide has the lowdown on how to level up crazy fast in Space Marine 2. If you’re looking for the quickest way to max out your classes, this How To Level Up Fast in Space Marines 2 guide is for you. Make sure to pick up that Armory Data Servo Skull in Operation Decapitation, though!

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 Ultimate Leveling Guide: How To Level Up Fast to Level 25 – Summarized

Here’s how to level up fast in Space Marine 2 using our Ultimate Leveling Guide:

  • You can speed run Operation Decapitation on Ruthless Difficulty in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 in just 20–25 minutes.
  • It is recommended to use the sniper build with the fusion rifle for maximum damage.
  • The fastest way to level up is to choose the second mission, Operation Decapitation, and skip two stages.
  • It’s important to communicate with your team and use strategies to defeat the final boss.
  • Using the cloak ability and dodging can help you survive.
  • The fusion rifle is very effective against the boss.
  • Make sure to find the Armory Data Servo Skull for Bonus XP.
  • Completing the mission with a good team can take around 25 minutes and earn you a lot of XP.

Loadout Requirements And Strategy – Space Marine 2 Level Up Fast To Level 25

Ultimate Leveling Guide - Fastest Way

It’s a grind. You’ll have to grind Operation Decapitation on the Ruthless Difficulty. I’ll be skipping certain parts of the levels, so I apologize for not being a true Space Marine. However, you still have to complete the final boss on the hardest difficulty, but I’ll get to that when we need to. As you can see, I’ve maxed out all my weapons, but this will take some time, so don’t worry.

If you want to do the most damage possible, I recommend using the sniper build but feel free to pick whichever class you prefer. You can choose whatever you like, but here’s my sniper class, which uses the fusion rifle. This is the build if you want to copy it. If you want to deal the most damage, I recommend picking this character.

  • Sniper Class: Prioritize the Veteran Sharpshooter class for its ranged capabilities and ability to deal significant damage to the boss.
  • Fusion Rifle: This weapon is highly recommended for its high damage output and effectiveness against the boss.
  • Grenades: Carry a few grenades to clear paths and deal with groups of enemies, especially if you’re playing as a sniper.
  • Cloak Ability: Utilize the cloak ability to avoid detection and reposition during intense encounters.
  • Dodge Roll: Mastering the dodge roll is crucial for evading attacks and triggering perks that restore your cloak.
  • Armor Boosts & Meds: Keep an eye out for armor boosts and medkits throughout the mission to maintain your health and survivability.

How To XP Farm In Space Marine 2 – Space Marine 2 Leveling Guide

Space Marines 2 Ultimate Leveling Guide - Fastest Way To Get To Level 25 -

You’ll want to go straight to the launch bay. A quick tip: you can just teleport straight to the location. Then, head over to the PVE Mode button and pick the second mission. The reason you want to choose this mission is that it’s the shortest of the six available. Each PVE mission typically has five stages, but for this one, you can skip two stages, leaving only three to complete, making it the fastest.

Choose Operation Decapitation in PVE Mode – Space Marine 2

Space Marines 2 Ultimate Leveling Guide - Fastest Way To Get To Level 25

But if you’re a trophy hunter, you probably want to get the Platinum quickly. If you pick the wrong class, you can use this method to get back up to speed and play with your friends. For example, if you’re playing the assault class but want to switch to sniper, and your friends are already far ahead, this strategy will help you catch up. You can also use it if you want to speedrun the game and level up quickly.

That said, I recommend using this method only with friends or a group who are willing to do it. It won’t work in a random lobby unless the other players are also planning to use this method. In my experience, it’s best to ask in the in-game chat if anyone is speedrunning or just playing normally. Don’t ruin the experience for others.

Avoid Enemies and Throw Grenades But Keep A Few Spares

Space Marines 2 Ultimate Leveling Guide - Fastest Way To Get To Level 25

The first thing you can do is throw grenades at the enemies to clear them. Keep one or two grenades handy in case you need to make a path for yourself, especially if you’re playing as a sniper. With the sniper class, it’s easy to use camouflage, but other classes might have a harder time getting past enemies.

Space Marines 2 Ultimate Leveling Guide - Fastest Way To Get To Level 25

Find The Armory Data Collectible Servo Skull For Extra XP

Check the room in the far-left corner. There might be an armory data collectible there. These collectibles allow you to upgrade your gear. There’s usually one per mission, and you’ll only get the armory data if you finish the mission. If you fail at the final boss, you won’t get it. So, keep that in mind.

I rolled a lot during this part—it was tedious, but the quickest method. As I approached the door, my two teammates were just behind me. I recommended staying close because once the door was opened, it shut behind us. If we weren’t grouped up, enemies would pile up in the corner to the left. Occasionally, armory data would also appear near the column on that side.

After jumping down, there was an armor boost available for teammates. All three players needed to be at the door for it to function properly. If one of us had been playing with a bot, it would have teleported, but with only two players, the door wouldn’t shut. So, we made sure all three of us were present before moving forward.

In stage two, we played as usual, running past animations and planting charges. Sometimes there were five charges to plant, other times only three. Unfortunately, this time we had five, which took a bit longer. We ignored the enemies while planting, as teammates were clearing the path.

The process became easier over time. Initially, we were around level 8 or 15, but after repeating it a few times, we leveled up quickly, and our weapons improved. Eventually, we were taking down enemies much faster as our gear upgraded with each run.

Boss Fight Time: Defeat The Hive Tyrant in Operation Decapitation

When we reached the boss fight, we had to play normally. It wasn’t easy and required a few attempts to get the hang of it. Good communication and strategy were key. I recommended using the sniper class—the fusion rifle dealt massive damage to the boss.

However, dealing the most damage meant the boss would target me. Teammates needed to distract him, or he’d stay focused on me. Since I wasn’t great at close combat, keeping my distance was crucial, especially with the sniper class. Dodging and using the cloak ability helped me stay alive.

At one point, the boss was right next to me, and I had to run since I wasn’t equipped for close range. With only two armor plates, it was essential to keep a distance and shoot from afar. Luckily, my teammates were still fighting, and the boss went down, but I didn’t have my cloak up, which was frustrating. The perk that restored my cloak when I dodged saved my life more than once. After cloaking, the boss switched targets to my teammate, allowing me to push him into the second stage, giving us some breathing room.

During the second stage, the shockwaves dealt significant damage, so we had to be careful. Dodging them was key. I had only 12 bullets left, so I stayed near the ammo cache. I went invisible to grab it, which was a bit risky, but necessary. Along the way, I picked up some meds and checked for any boxes or armor boosts in the area.

Ultimate Leveling Guide

That stage wasn’t too bad. All we had to do was roll and run away. If someone died from the circles, well, that was questionable, since their landing spots were visible. The shockwaves were understandable, though, as they were harder to predict.

I had some distance on the boss, but he clearly didn’t like me and was back on me again. I needed to dodge roll quickly! I failed twice and took a lot of damage, but I was still far enough from him. With only two bullets left, I checked the top left corner and noticed my teammate would be back up soon, so I had to survive a bit longer. My teammate was being a real Chad, taking the aggro off me.

The annoying part was that I needed ammo, but the boss was blocking the cache. I had no choice but to use my cloak to survive. It seemed to come off cooldown thanks to my dodge. Knowing there might be some ammo or boosts in the right corner, I dodged over and found some there. That corner was easy to overlook, but I hit the jackpot and picked up some STM. With more ammo and some distance from the boss, I took a moment to chip away at him.

When I dealt damage, I kept checking my progress. That weapon was incredibly good! Someone had once said the bolt rifle was better, but no way—this was the weapon to use. I went invisible, but my game glitched out, and instead of locking onto the boss, it targeted the mobs.

End Operation Decapitation With Almost 2500 XP Allowing You To Skip 2–4 Levels Instantly

Space Marines 2 Ultimate Leveling Guide - Fastest Way To Get To Level 25

After sorting that out, I turned around, grabbed more ammo, and we managed to complete the final boss on Ruthless difficulty without me going down because I still had the gene seed, which showed up in the results. Normally, that mission took around 40 minutes, but with a good team, we finished in 20 to 25 minutes. We got the victory screen, and even though we completed five stages, we only had to do three. We earned 2,455 XP, and with the gene seed, I leveled up from 21 to 23. Gaining 2,500 XP in about 25 minutes was probably the most efficient way to do this mission.

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