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Warhammer Space Marine 2 Gene Seed Locations and How To Get All Of Them

Mastering Space Marine 2’s multiplayer requires not only skill but also the right gear. Leveling up your class unlocks top-tier equipment that sets you apart on the battlefield. One way to accelerate this process is to locate and secure the elusive Gene-Seeds hidden within each operation. In this guide, we’ll tell you all the known Space Marine 2 Gene Seed Locations, ensuring you maximize your XP gains and reach peak performance faster. Lieutenant Demetrian Titus could really use all that extra XP, don’t you think?

What Are Gene Seeds in Warhammer Space Marine 2? What do Gene Seeds Do in Space Marine 2?

In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, Gene-Seeds are more than just XP boosters. They represent the sacred genetic material that transforms ordinary humans into superhuman Space Marines, embodying the Emperor’s will and the legacy of the Primarchs. In Space Marine 2, they serve as a testament to your squad’s dedication and skill, offering a valuable reward for successfully completing a mission with the Gene-Seed intact.

How Gene Seeds Work:

  • Occupy Inventory Slots: The Gene-Seed occupies the same inventory slot as the Guardian Relic, requiring a strategic decision: bolster your squad’s survivability or prioritize accelerated progression.
  • XP Bonanza: When carried to the extraction point, the Gene-Seed bestows a generous 30% XP bonus upon all squad members, expediting their journey to unlocking new abilities and devastating weaponry.
  • Fragile: The Gene-Seed is as precious as it is delicate. If the carrier falls in battle, the Gene-Seed is lost, and the XP bonus vanishes with it.
  • Hidden throughout each mission: Each mission conceals a single Gene-Seed, often nestled near potential Guardian Relic spawn points. These locations are strategically placed, encouraging exploration and rewarding thoroughness.

All Gene Seed Locations in Warhammer Space Marine 2

Here are all the Gene Seed Locations so far in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2:

Operation Inferno Gene-Seed #Location Description
Swamp1Behind the green container to the right of the Dataslate bunker.
2Atop the green crate beside the burning tank, where the path splits.
3On the rock in the right corner of the dead-end path, after crossing the bridge and taking two right turns.
Astra Militarum Camp4On the rock ledge behind the large military tent at the end of the left path, beneath the cavern entrance. Alternatively, check the opposite side of the camp near barricades or supply crates.
Promethium Refinery5In front of the moss-covered stone at the map’s edge, to the right after exiting the Astra Militarum Camp.
6Behind the prominent dead tree, obscured by green containers, to the left after exiting the Astra Militarum Camp.
7In the corner behind movable containers, in the small space to the right of Generator 1 inside the Refinery.
8Beside the red and blue boxes, behind a movable cabinet, to the right of Generator 2 on the platform where the Bomb Deployment Protocol starts.
9Beneath the table tucked into the corner of the platform, to the left of Generator 3.
Abandoned Base10Behind the small, movable containers at the opposite end of the large water pipe, immediately after jumping down.
Observation Platform11In the corner behind the metal cabinet, to the right after descending the stairs to the helipads and reaching the operation’s concluding area.
Operation DecapitationGene-Seed #Location Description
Imperial City1Rooftop with tower marked “02.” Leap down the ledge to the left and find the Gene-Seed in the breach in the wall to the left.
Station2Top floor of the Station. Gene-Seed is to the left of the statue, behind the wooden rood screen.
3Near the detonator. Enter the Station, go right to the room with red crates. Gene-Seed is in the left corner, near two crates.
Station Ducts4After descending the elevator, look in the left corner behind you. Gene-Seed spawn point is next to the small ladder.
5In the tunnels, reach the chamber with the massive fan. Go right, back to the Dataslate location. Gene-Seed is on the left side, behind the wire spools.
6After ascending the elevator and defeating enemies in the air ducts, jump down into the chamber with chains. Gene-Seed is in the room to the left, behind the box on the right.
Operation Vox LibertarisGene-Seed #Location Description
Landing Zone1On the exterior platform at the start, turn right. The Gene-Seed is to the left of the tall red and blue containers stacked on top of each other.
2On the starting platform, on the right before entering the covered area. Go around the large red and green containers stacked together, following the railing. The Gene-Seed is behind them, next to a smaller red box.
Cathedral3At the end of the corridor leading to the imposing Cathedral doors, behind the large pipes that disappear into the ground.
Plaza4Immediately after exiting the Cathedral, on the left behind the third pillar before stepping onto the white floor tiles.
5After the battle in the first section of the Plaza, go to the right of the elevator. The Gene-Seed is at the end of the path, near the ventilation shaft.
6At the entrance to the Archive (second cathedral), turn right. The Gene-Seed is to the right of the covered red box.
Operation ReliquaryGene-Seed #Location Description
Mountain Road1At the start of the operation, in the dilapidated crypt with the statue. Pass through the archway between the walls, and the Gene-Seed might be on the corner as you turn right.
Tomb2Immediately after exiting the Tomb, turn left and walk behind the dead tree. The Gene-Seed could be next to it.

Operation Inferno Gene Seed Locations: Warhammer Space Marine 2

Operation Inferno - Space Marine 2 Gene Seed Location
  • Swamp:
    • Gene-Seed #1: Upon reaching the bunker containing the Dataslate, resist the urge to follow the main path. Instead, venture right. The Gene-Seed might be tucked away behind the inconspicuous green container, often blending seamlessly with its surroundings.
    • Gene-Seed #2: After passing the Dataslate bunker, you’ll encounter a blazing tank where the path diverges. Veer right and scan the area atop the green crate beside the tank. This is another potential hiding spot for the Gene-Seed.
    • Gene-Seed #3: Further into the Swamp, you’ll cross a bridge. Take the right path and continue until you pass a couple of explosive flora. Then, turn right again, seemingly heading into a dead end. The Gene-Seed could be nestled on the rock in the right corner of this secluded spot.
  • Astra Militarum Camp:
    • Gene-Seed #4: After breaching the camp gates, ascend the left path towards the elevated tents. At the road’s end, you’ll spot a cavern entrance. Resist the temptation to explore the cave; instead, navigate left behind the imposing military tent. The Gene-Seed might be perched on the subtle rock ledge behind the tent, directly beneath the cavern where adversaries can spawn during waves. Exercise caution while searching this area, as enemies may emerge unexpectedly from the cavern. If you don’t find the Gene-Seed here, check the opposite side of the camp near the barricades or supply crates.
  • Promethium Refinery:
    • Gene-Seed #5: Upon exiting the Astra Militarum Camp, the Promethium Refinery looms in the distance. Instead of forging ahead, take a detour to the right. The Gene-Seed could be resting in plain sight in front of the moss-covered stone at the map’s edge.
    • Gene-Seed #6: Alternatively, upon leaving the Astra Militarum Camp, head left through the pipe archway. Proceed towards the prominent dead tree and circle around to its far side. The Gene-Seed might be concealed behind it, obscured by the green containers.
    • Gene-Seed #7: Inside the Refinery, locate the small space to the right of Generator 1. The Gene-Seed might be tucked away in the corner, behind the movable containers. Be mindful of your surroundings, as shifting these containers can inadvertently reveal the Gene-Seed’s location.
    • Gene-Seed #8: Ascend to the platform where the Bomb Deployment Protocol commences. Direct your attention to Generator 2 on the right. Navigate to its right side, and the Gene-Seed could be nestled beside the red and blue boxes, concealed behind a movable cabinet.
    • Gene-Seed #9: Remaining on the platform, focus on Generator 3. Proceed to its left and approach the distant railing. The Gene-Seed may be hidden beneath the table tucked into the corner of this platform.
  • Abandoned Base:
    • Gene-Seed #10: Following the “generator protection” mini-game, you’ll enter an Abandoned Base. Immediately after jumping down, a large water pipe will be visible ahead. Circumnavigate it to reach the opposite end. The Gene-Seed might be lurking behind the small, movable containers there.
  • Observation Platform:
    • Gene-Seed #11: The final Gene-Seed location lies to the right, immediately after descending the stairs to the helipads and reaching the operation’s concluding area. The Gene-Seed could be tucked away in the corner, discreetly hidden behind the metal cabinet.

Operation Decapitation Gene-Seed Locations

Space Marine 2 Operation Decapitation
  • Imperial City:
    • Gene-Seed #1: After navigating the cathedral’s exterior and ascending and descending the steel staircases, you’ll arrive at a rooftop area featuring a prominent tower marked with “02.” Resist the urge to proceed straight ahead. Instead, execute a daring leap down the ledge to your left. Immediately upon landing, glance left to spot a breach in the wall. This unassuming crevice is a potential hiding place for the Gene-Seed.
  • Station:
    • Gene-Seed #2: After successfully planting the charges, you’ll ascend via the elevator to the Station. Upon reaching the top floor, turn around and observe the statue to your left. The Gene-Seed might be discreetly positioned to the left of the statue, concealed behind the wooden rood screen.
    • Gene-Seed #3: To thwart the bridge assault, you’ll need to trigger the detonator when the Hive Tyrant is strategically positioned. While standing near the detonator, turn around to face the Station. Enter the Station, venturing to the right. You’ll encounter an area teeming with red crates. The Gene-Seed could be nestled in the left corner of this room, adjacent to two red crates.
  • Station Ducts:
    • Gene-Seed #4: Upon descending from the Station via the elevator, cast your gaze towards the left corner behind you. Adjacent to the small ladder in the corner, you might discover a Gene-Seed spawn point.
    • Gene-Seed #5: Pursue the Hive Tyrant into the tunnels, diligently following your objectives. Once you reach a chamber with a massive fan directly ahead, deviate from the objective path to the left. Instead, head right, retracing your steps to the location where you likely previously encountered a Dataslate. Within that corridor, examine the left side, specifically behind the wire spools. This concealed area is another potential Gene-Seed location.
    • Gene-Seed #6: As you relentlessly chase the Hive Tyrant, you’ll ascend an elevator to access some air ducts. After vanquishing all adversaries within these tunnels, you’ll emerge into a spacious opening where you’ll witness the Tyrant scaling a lofty structure. Take a leap of faith from the ducts and land in a vast chamber adorned with colossal chains suspended in its center. To the left lies a room where a Gene-Seed might be hidden. It’s subtly positioned behind the box on the right.

Operation Vox Liberatis Gene Seed Locations

Space Marine 2 Vox Libertaris
  • Landing Zone:
    • Gene-Seed #1: As you step onto the exterior platform at the operation’s onset and witness the swarm of gargoyles descending upon you, turn right. The Gene-Seed might be conveniently located to the left of the towering red and blue containers stacked atop one another.
    • Gene-Seed #2: While progressing across the starting platform, you’ll observe a cluster of boxes on the right, just before entering the covered area. Approach these containers and navigate around the large red and green containers stacked together, following the railing. The Gene-Seed could be tucked away behind them, adjacent to a smaller red box.
  • Cathedral:
    • Gene-Seed #3: Upon reaching the imposing Cathedral doors, where you’ll descend to confront the heretics, proceed to the corridor’s end. The Gene-Seed might be concealed behind the substantial pipes that disappear into the ground at this location.
  • Plaza:
    • Gene-Seed #4: Immediately after emerging from the Cathedral, you’ll enter another expansive zone where your objective is to dismantle a Chaos Altar. The Gene-Seed could be situated on the left, discreetly hidden behind the third pillar, before you step onto the white floor tiles.
    • Gene-Seed #5: Following the intense battle in the Plaza’s first section, you’ll need to regroup to utilize an elevator. Head to the right of the elevator, and the Gene-Seed might be waiting for you at the path’s conclusion, near the ventilation shaft.
    • Gene-Seed #6: At the entrance to the Archive (or the second cathedral), veer right. The Gene-Seed could be nestled to the right of the covered red box, subtly blending into its surroundings.

Operation Reliquary Gene Seed Locations Space Marine 2

Space Marine 2 Gene Seed Locations Operation Reliquary
  • Mountain Road:
    • Gene-Seed #1: Right at the operation’s start, you’ll come across a dilapidated crypt adorned with an eerie statue. Pass through the archway nestled between the walls. The Gene-Seed has a chance to spawn right on the corner as you turn right. Be sure to investigate this nook carefully as you navigate through the crypt.
  • Tomb:
    • Gene-Seed #2: Immediately after exiting the Tomb, veer left and walk behind the lifeless tree. The Gene-Seed might be resting inconspicuously beside it. Take a moment to circle the tree and scan the area thoroughly, as the Gene-Seed can easily blend in with the natural surroundings.

( This article is not yet complete. We know. Don’t get grumpy. We’ll make updates so stay tuned for more Gene Seeds and finds at Esports Eclipse)

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