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Manor Lords How To Farm Wheat and Make Grain — Explained

Wondering how to farm wheat and make grain in Manor Lords? You’ve come to the right place. Wheat and grain are basic resources to keep your villagers alive. It’s used to make bread from flour in Manor Lords. But for those of you who are new to the whole RTS-survival city-building scene that is Manor Lords, how do you farm wheat in Manor Lords and make grain out of it? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

How To Farm Wheat and Make Grain in Manor Lords Summary

  • By pressing C or going into Construction, select the Sickle Icon and till 3 x .03 Morgens of Fields.
  • Next up, Check the Wheat or Emmer Fertility Overlay, and find a nice green patch of land. Following suit, connect a path leading to the main road.
  • Enable Crop Rotation and Select Wheat for the first year, fallow for the second, and wheat for the third year. This is to ensure that the Fields retain their fertility for the upcoming third year.
  • Next up is constructing a Farmhouse, which will cost you 3 Lumber. Make sure the Farmhouse is constructed in proximity to the fields.
  • Assign 1 Family to each of the Fields and to the Farmhouse.
  • The families will start getting to work, planting Wheat Seeds, and tilling soil. 
  • You’ll start seeing Wheat sprout near Autumn for the autumn harvest. 
  • The Wheat will be converted into Grain inside the Farmhouse 

How To Farm Wheat in Manor Lords

Best Way To Farm Wheat and Make Grain in Manor Lords (3)
Find a Nice Patch of Land to Till. The Greener, the better

To farm wheat and make grain in Manor Lords, you first need to go into Construction, which is represented by the Hammer. Or you could just press C. Getting Wheat is a bit confusing, as it’s called Emmer in Manor Lords. Click the Sickle Icon under Construction to open the Farming Section. 

Best Way To Farm Wheat and Make Grain in Manor Lords (2)
Select the Sickle Under Construction to Access Field Construction

Select the first option known as Field to build a field. But before you make your first Field, you need to check the Fertility Overlay for Emmer or Wheat. If you find a plot of land that’s green, you’re good to go. Otherwise, find a suitable patch of land and connect a road to it to begin tilling your field.

Manor Lords Crop Rotation: It’s Wheat, Fallow, Wheat!

Wheat Manor Lords Grain Manor Lords
Plot Fields of 0.3 to 0.3 Morgen to maximize sowing and harvesting efficiency

Make sure to create 3 fields of 0.3 Morgen. That’s because you need to let the fields rest in between to maintain the Fertility level. This is indicated by the Crop Rotation section, where you can select Fallow for Crop Rotation in the second year and something different like Rye or Flax for the Third Year.

Manor Lords Farm Wheat Manor Lords Make Grain - Crop Rotation

Click on the respective Crop Field and enable Crop Rotation. Select Wheat for the First Year, fallow for the second, and Wheat for the Third Year.


  1. The reason for setting up individual Fields of 0.3 to 0.2 Morgen is to allow families to efficiently and quickly plow, till, and sow seeds. Otherwise, using a single plot of land for one big field will take a longer time to sprout Wheat, Flax, or Rye.
  2. The Wheat Yield primarily depends upon 3 main stages, consisting of Plowing and sowing. Growth and Harvesting. You need to hit full Growth and Harvest before the Winters. Otherwise, your Crops will be destroyed.
  3. The newest experimental pre-release patch promises that crops won’t be destroyed, but it’s better if you complete the Harvest till Autumn, just to be safe!

How To Make A Farmhouse: How To Make Grain in Manor Lords

Manor Lords - Farmhouse to Thresh Wheat or Emmer
The Farmhouse Costs 3 Lumber To Construct

Once you’re done with the Wheat Farm in Manor Lords, make sure to set up a farmhouse. The Farm House will cost you 3 Lumber to construct. Make sure to set the priority to high or higher depending on your farming needs. 

The farmhouse should be right next to the Fields alongside a road so that Family workers can store Wheat in the form of Grain in farmhouses. Make sure that these side paths are connected to the main road, especially where you’ll be making the Marketplace and Generic Storage so that villagers can gain easy access to Food.

Placing the Farmhouse in proximity to the fields will ensure that the Family workers quickly sow and till the fields for the upcoming Autumn Harvest.

Farmhouse Rundown

  • Use 3 Lumber To Construct a Farmhouse.
  • Make sure the roads connecting the Farmhouse to the Field are in Proximity
  • Employ Families and set Threshing priority to High to process Wheat into Grain
  • The Generic Storage of the Farmhouse can hold 1200 Grains.

Farmers Not Producing Grain in Manor Lords?

If your farmers aren’t producing Grain from the Farmhouse via the Fields in Manor Lords even after sprouting a decent amount of Wheat, then try restricting your Farmhouse’s Work area to limited and setting the priority Threshold to High.

Farm Wheat and Make Grain in Manor Lords: Conclusion

That pretty much wraps up the basics of farming Wheat and making Grain in Manor Lords. You can use these resources to craft flour and make Communal Bread in the Communal Oven, which we’ll discuss in a separate guide. Stay tuned for more Manor Lords Guides, News, and Updates at Esports Eclipse!