The Light ‘Em Up Dark Ops Calling Card in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies is one of the toughest Calling Cards to obtain. This is primarily due to the efforts you have to go to by completing its Liberty Falls Easter egg quest, setting up the perfect conditions to complete the challenge, and finally hoping that Lady Luck grants you her favor. That’s why today, we will discuss how you can easily get the Light ‘Em Up Dark Ops Calling Card in COD Black Ops 6 Zombies.
What is the Light Em Up Dark Ops Challenge?

The Light ‘Em Up Dark Ops Challenge is a Dark Ops Challenge that can only be completed in Zombies mode (Liberty Falls map). It requires that the player kill 10 ignited Elite Zombies using the Big Game Major Augment for Napalm Burst. As you can guess, this sounds nowhere near easy. But it doesn’t end there. You must complete the Easter egg side quest partway to take on this ordeal. Anyway, let’s first discuss the optimal build you need to have on you before you begin the grind.
Best Build for Completing the Light Em Up Dark Ops Challenge
You must have the best possible loadout before setting out to complete this challenge. As such, here are some essentials for tackling this challenge:
Equip the Napalm Burst ammo type and have the Big Game Major Augment equipped on it (duh), along with the Incendiary Minor Augment.
Equip Elemental Pop with the Citrus Focus Major Augment and the Chill Berry Minor Augment.
For your primary weapons, choose anything. It doesn’t need to have much damage, as you’re going to be using it to pop off the Napalm, so equip the Napalm to it too while you’re at it.
Buy your favorite, high-damage weapon when you’re clearing out zombies mid-game, or stick to the Twin GS45s with the Akimbo Stock. Use Pack-a-Punch on them to upgrade their rarity and damage.
Craft The LTG To Get The Light Em Up Dark Ops Calling Card in COD BO6 Zombies

The Easter egg side quest for Liberty Falls is quite lengthy. As such, it warrants a separate guide. Since it is related to the Light Em Up objective, it cannot be completely ignored. To complete the Light Em Up Dark Ops Challenge, you’ll need to progress the Easter egg side-quest till you’ve crafted the Limited Transdimensional Gateway or the LTG. Without the LTG, it will be nearly impossible to complete this challenge.
Completing the Challenge
Once you’re all set, it’s finally time to start the challenge. There are only several spots where you can use the LTG and they will be marked by orange pointers. So head on over to one of these points. Thin down the horde of zombies that are chasing you, but don’t completely eliminate them. Place the LTG on the designated spot and let it spawn more zombies. Your ideal target should be a Mangler.
When one of them pops out, take out your weaker gun with the Napalm and start shooting at the Elite Zombie or the surrounding zombies. Hopefully, the Napalm will activate, and the Elite Zombie will catch fire too. Once it does, switch to your stronger gun and take him down. Make sure the fire is still burning on him by the time you land the final blow otherwise the kill won’t count. Just shoot at him or the surrounding zombies if the fire goes out before you can deal the final blow. Once he’s down, head over to the LTG and activate it to begin the cycle once again. Repeat this process 10 times, or until you see the Calling Card banner appear on your screen.
Once in a while, you’ll be unlucky and instead of a Mangler, an Abomination will spawn. In that case, kill it as fast as you can with your stronger gun and proceed in the Easter egg side-quest by moving on to another LTG spot and trying your luck there.
The Light Em Up Dark Ops Calling Card is certainly a chore to obtain, but worth it. Plus, you can polish up your Zombies skills for the next time you load up Zombies with the gang. Anyway, that’s it from our side. Let us know below if you have any other tips and tricks to get the Light Em Up Calling Card. Best of luck to you, soldier!