Pripyat is a late-game region in Stalker 2 Heart of Chornobyl. I tried going to Pripyat but ended up dying to a spongy Sniper positioned at an outpost or radiation poisoning. But there are still a few ways to get to Pripyat in Stalker 2. So here are the best ways to enter and get to Pripyat Early in Stalker 2.
How To Get To Pripyat Early in Stalker 2

The normal method to get to Pripyat in Stalker 2 is to complete the Story Mission “Boundary”. You’re tasked by the Spirit to obtain the M Scanner. Trade the M Scanner with Dmytro to obtain Coupons and a Pripyat Entrance Permit. This is the easiest way to enter and leave Pripyat in Stalker 2 but not the earliest.
Entering Pripyat early is worth the salt as you can get your hands on some of the best weapons and armor in the game. Here you can find the Texan Shotgun, the best armor which is the Diamond Exoskeleton, and the Hunter Sniper Rifle Unique Weapon.
Method 1: East of Yaniv Station Through The Wrecked Train Wagon
Head East of the Yaniv Station and reach the Railway Tracks as marked on the map. Here, you’ll find an Excavator next to a Wrecked Train Wagon. Position yourself in front of the Train Wagon and try to vault over it. It will take you a few tries and a few energy drinks to vault.
Again, vault over the train wagon, and you’ll find yourself right between the wagon and another train. Here, it’s time to chug down an energy drink to make it past the radiation poisoning. Quickly run to the trail leading to Pripyat. Congratulations, you’ve made it to Pripyat early in Stalker 2.
Method 2: East of Yaniv Over The Toppled Train Wagon
Farther East of the Yaniv Station and the wrecked Train Wagon, you can jump onto the connecting piece between two toppled Train Wagons. It’s a bit tricky, but after 2 or 3 tries, you’ll get on top. Now, jump on top of the wheel right above you. And just like that, you’re now on top of the Train Wagon.
Do not drop down as the radiation poisoning will get to you. Instead, follow along the train till you reach the Power Pole. Down some Vodka and run straight till you reach the path in the image above. Go straight on this path and take a left turn. After that, it’s a straight run to Pripyat.
How To Fast Travel In and Out of Pripyat in Stalker 2

After reaching Pripyat in Stalker 2, head to to the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture and save your game. Talk to a guide and you’ll unlock Pripyat as a Fast Travel Location in Stalker 2.