Making it to the Outside world, you’ll find yourself in the Grasslands, which is the first region in FF7 Rebirth. But you’ll need some key items to make your journey through the seven different regions on Gaia a whole lot easier. So, here’s how to get the best early-game Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
How To Get The Best Early Game Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
After you make your way to the Grasslands and find yourself in need of Chocobos to navigate the swamps, you’ll be directed to Bill’s Ranch where you’ll find a key NPC, Chadley.
Chadley gives you missions to gather Intel and VR missions to partake in. If you help out Chadley in his Intel gathering missions, he’ll synthesize new Materia.
The first time you meet Chadley at Bill’s Ranch in the Grasslands region, you’ll get the option to buy 3 of the best early-game Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
You have to use Intel Points to buy the Materia from Chadley. In addition, you can get the fourth, best early-game Materia for FF7 Rebirth by completing the first Combat Simulation VR Mission given by Chadley
Fire and Ice Materia

The Fire and Ice Materia allows you to use fire and ice magic, instead of using them separately. It’s two birds with one stone. Level it up to level 2 to acces dual Fira and Blizzara. Level 3 allows you to use Firaga and Blizzaga.
Auto Cast Materia

The Auto Cast Healing Materia, when equipped on an ally or support character allows them to passively use an ability. This is useful when used in combination with the Healing Materia, equipped to either Aerith, or Barret, for pocket healing Cloud.
Auto Unique Ability Materia

The Auto Unique Ability Materia allows support players to automatically use their unique abilities. This is pretty useful for Barret, as he’ll automatically use his Overcharge ability and buff his damage output.
Healing Materia

The Healing Materia is the best early game Materia you could get your hands on in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and in many other Final Fantasy games.
How To Get The Healing Materia
To get the Healing Materia, you have to complete the first Combat Simulation VR challenge given by Chadley. This will give you a Level 2 Healing Materia, allowing you to use Cura instead of Cure.
Precision Defense Focus Materia

In the Bay Area of the Northern Edge of the Grasslands Region, you’ll find the Precision Defense Focus Materia on a small rocky island. This materia makes performing perfect blocks and counters easier. Here’s how to get it.