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Black Myth Wukong Best Weapons Tier List (Ultimate Guide) Patch

Black Myth Wukong offers a vast and varied arsenal, but not all weapons are created equal. This comprehensive best Black Myth Wukong weapons tier list breaks down every staff, spear, and more, separating the divine from the disappointing. From early-game workhorses to late-game powerhouses; here’s the definitive Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List where we look at all the staffs and spears in the game. Also, check out our Black Myth Wukong Best Armor Sets Tier List while you’re at it. In addition, Game Science has made a few changes in the latest update patch.

Best Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List- Definitive Update

The Best Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List previously ranked 17 weapons. Our typewriter monkey has now been updated it to include all 21 staffs and spears, updating it to the definitive best weapons tier list, on the internet. For now. Period.

New Update: Patch

In the newest Black Myth Wukong Update, the Spike Shaft Staff has been buffed significantly.

Black Myth Wukong All Weapons Tier List – Summary

Here’s all the Best Weapons in Black Myth Wukong, the definitive weapons tier list:

Bronze Cloud StaffD-Tier
Willow Wood StaffC-Tier
Twin Serpent StaffC-Tier
Wind Bear StaffLow B-Tier
Chitin StaffLow B-Tier
Rat Sage StaffLow B-Tier
Cloud Pattern Stone StaffHigh B-Tier
Visionary Centipede StaffB-Tier
Staff of Blazing KarmaB-Tier
Spider Celestial StaffA-Tier
Storm Flash Loong StaffA-Tier
Che By SpearA-Tier
Loong Wreath StaffA-Tier
Spike Shaft StaffA-Tier
Bishui Beast StaffA-Tier
Golden Loong StaffA-Tier
Kang Jin StaffA-Tier Highlight
TriPoint SpearAlmost S-Tier
Adept Spine Shooting Fuban StaffS-Tier
Dark Iron StaffS-Tier
Jingu BangS-Tier

D-Tier Weapons – Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

Bronze Cloud Staff – The Worst Weapon in Black Myth Wukong For 10 Bucks

worst weapon - Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

The Bronze Cloud Staff is a meme-tier weapon, as it’s part of the DLC pay-to-win package, costing $10 USD. Despite the price, this staff only offers a meager six more base attack than the starting weapon, with no upgrade tiers or significant perks. Crit chance is negligible at this point in the game due to low base damage and crit multipliers. Since it’s immediately outclassed by other early-game weapons found in Chapter 1, it’s a huge letdown, making it the worst staff on this list.

Bronze Cloud Staff Pros:

  • Slightly Higher Base Attack: Offers a minor increase in base attack compared to the starting weapon.
  • Instant Access: Available immediately upon purchase, providing an early-game advantage (if you consider it one).
  • Aesthetically Pleasing: May have a unique design that appeals to some players.

Bronze Cloud Staff Cons:

  • Pay-to-Win: Requires a real-money purchase to obtain, creating an unfair advantage for those willing to spend.
  • Quickly Outclassed: Becomes obsolete very early in the game as better weapons are acquired.
  • Poor Value: Offers minimal benefits for its high price, making it a questionable investment.
  • No Upgrade Potential: Lacks any upgrade paths, limiting its long-term viability.
  • Negligible Crit Chance: Crit chance is practically useless due to low base damage and crit multipliers at this stage of the game.

C-Tier Weapons – Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

Willow Wood Staff

Starting WEAPON - Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

The Willow Wood Staff is your starting weapon, with 30 base attack, no passives, and no crit chance. While unremarkable, it branches into an upgrade path leading to stronger weapons. Its main benefit is that it’s upgradeable, unlike the Bronze Cloud Staff, and doesn’t cost you $10. It’s decent for the early game but quickly outclassed as you progress.

Willow Wood Staff Pros:

  • Free Starting Weapon: No additional cost to obtain, making it readily available from the beginning.
  • Upgradeable: Offers an upgrade path leading to more powerful weapons, providing some long-term value.
  • Decent Early Game: Sufficient for handling initial challenges and enemies.

Willow Wood Staff Cons:

  • Low Base Attack: Limited damage output compared to later weapons.
  • No Passives: Lacks any special abilities or effects to enhance combat.
  • No Crit Chance: Unable to land critical hits, hindering burst damage potential.
  • Quickly Outclassed: Becomes less effective as you progress and acquire stronger weapons.

Twin Serpent Staff

The Twin Serpent Staff can be obtained in the first half of Chapter 1, with a base attack of 40 and a passive that buffs light attacks, making it ideal for newer players who tend to spam light attacks early on. This weapon is a no-brainer upgrade from the Willow Wood Staff due to its decent passive and accessibility. However, it’s not something you’ll want to hold on to for too long, as better weapons become available later.

Twin Serpent Staff Pros:

  • Early Access: Obtainable early in Chapter 1, providing a quick upgrade from the starting weapon.
  • Decent Base Attack: Offers a noticeable improvement in damage output compared to the Willow Wood Staff.
  • Light Attack Buff Passive: Enhances the effectiveness of light attacks, catering to newer players’ playstyle.

Twin Serpent Staff Cons:

  • No Crit Chance: Lacks the ability to land critical hits, limiting burst damage potential.
  • Limited Long-Term Viability: Becomes less effective as you progress and acquire stronger weapons with better passives.
  • Passive Focuses on Early-Game Strategy: The light attack buff might become less relevant as players develop more advanced combat techniques.

Low B-Tier Weapons – Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

Wind Bear Staff

Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

The Wind Bear Staff is acquired at the end of Chapter 1 after defeating the final boss, boasting a base attack of 50, 4% crit rate, and a unique passive tied to Cloud Step. While invisible in Cloud Step, your next attack (Unveiling Strike) gains a bonus crit chance, adding 25% on top of your base crit rate. However, this passive is situational, only activating during Cloud Step and offering no other passive benefits when it’s on cooldown.

While the crit chance boost can be significant, it’s not guaranteed and doesn’t always lead to a critical hit. Its limited use, combined with the fact that it doesn’t lead into any major weapon upgrade paths until Chapter 2’s final boss, makes the Wind Bear Staff fall into the low B-tier category, despite its unique ability.

Wind Bear Staff Pros:

  • Solid Base Attack: Offers a good base attack of 50, providing decent damage output.
  • Innate Crit Rate: Comes with a 4% crit rate, increasing the chances of landing critical hits.
  • Unique Cloud Step Passive: Grants a significant crit chance bonus (25%) to the Unveiling Strike after using Cloud Step, potentially leading to high burst damage.

Wind Bear Staff Cons:

  • Situational Passive: The crit chance bonus is only active during Cloud Step, limiting its overall usefulness.
  • No Other Passive Benefits: Provides no additional passive effects outside of Cloud Step, making it less versatile.
  • Limited Upgrade Path: Doesn’t lead into major weapon upgrades until late in Chapter 2, hindering its long-term potential.
  • Crit Chance Not Guaranteed: Even with the bonus, critical hits are not guaranteed, making the passive somewhat unreliable.

Chitin Staff

Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

At the very bottom of B-tier, we have the Chitin Staff, an epic-tier weapon that almost deserves to be in C-tier. Stat-wise, it has 80 base attack and 5% crit chance, which are decent, but the passive is where it falls apart. The passive ability allows healing when you perform a heavy attack that consumes focus points (the white dots). The more points you use, the more it heals you.

Sounds good, right? Unfortunately, the healing is so minimal that it barely makes a difference. Even with max focus points, the healing is ineffective, especially by the time you obtain this weapon after defeating the first major boss of Chapter 4. By then, the healing becomes practically useless, making the Chitin Staff the worst epic staff in the game. The only redeeming factors are its base stats and that you can upgrade it later in the chapter. If the stats were worse, this would easily be a C Tier Weapon in Black Myth Wukong.

Chitin Staff Pros:

  • Decent Base Stats: Offers a good base attack of 80 and a 5% crit chance, providing a balance of damage and critical hit potential.
  • Healing Passive: Has the ability to heal the wielder when performing a heavy attack that consumes focus points.
  • Upgradeable: Can be upgraded later in Chapter 4, potentially improving its effectiveness.

Chitin Staff Cons:

  • Ineffective Healing: The healing provided by the passive is minimal, even with maximum focus points consumed.
  • Situational Passive: Healing is only triggered by heavy attacks that consume focus points, limiting its applicability in certain combat scenarios.
  • Late-Game Acquisition: Obtained after defeating the first major boss of Chapter 4, by which point the healing becomes less impactful.
  • Outclassed by Other Epics: Considered the worst epic staff in the game due to its underwhelming passive and relatively late acquisition.

Rat Sage Staff

In contrast, the Rat Sage Staff is a good example of an epic-tier staff that’s actually viable early on. It can be crafted after defeating the final boss of Chapter 2, the Yellow Wind Sage. While this is no easy fight, the reward is worth it. The Rat Sage Staff has slightly lower base damage than the Chitin Staff (13 less damage) but 2% more crit chance, and it features a passive that is far more useful.

This passive increases damage on light attack combos and the unique mobile spin ability, making this staff more reliable for consistent damage output. Additionally, it extends your attack range, which helps land hits more frequently. Although better than the Chitin Staff, it is still replaceable by other Chapter 2 weapons that don’t require defeating a tough final boss. Furthermore, you can’t upgrade this staff to its final tier until defeating the final boss of Chapter 5’s secret area, which keeps it toward the bottom of B-tier. It’s great early on but has limited longevity.

Rat Sage Staff Pros:

  • Early-Game Power Spike: Obtainable relatively early after defeating the Yellow Wind Sage in Chapter 2.
  • Enhanced Light Attacks and Spin Ability: Passive significantly boosts damage output from light attack combos and the unique spin ability, promoting a consistent and aggressive playstyle.
  • Increased Attack Range: Extends reach, allowing for easier and more frequent hits on enemies.
  • Higher Crit Chance: Offers a 7% crit chance, surpassing the Chitin Staff and increasing the likelihood of landing critical hits.

Rat Sage Staff Cons:

  • Lower Base Attack: Base damage is slightly lower than the Chitin Staff, potentially affecting overall damage output in some situations.
  • Boss-Locked Acquisition: Requires defeating the challenging Yellow Wind Sage to obtain, potentially delaying access for some players.
  • Late Upgrade: Cannot be fully upgraded until reaching the final boss of Chapter 5’s secret area, limiting its long-term viability.
  • Situational Passive: Primarily benefits light attack-focused playstyles, potentially making it less effective for those who prefer heavy attacks or other combat approaches.

High B-Tier Weapons – Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

Cloud Pattern Stone Staff

Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List

Now we’re moving into the upper range of B-tier, and this is where things get spicy. The Cloud Pattern Stone Staff is, in my opinion, better than every other staff mentioned so far. It offers a solid 60 base attack and can be acquired early in Chapter 2. Although it has no crit chance, the Cloud Pattern Stone Staff provides flat defense, which is incredibly valuable early on but becomes less useful as the game progresses. This makes it a great option for the early game.

The unique passive of this staff is what sets it apart. It boosts charged heavy attacks while in Smash stance (not pillar or thrust stances). The passive offers a 38% increase in damage to charged heavy attacks in Smash stance, which is huge, especially for an early-game staff. This allows it to scale decently well, even against New Game Plus enemies. While its effect only applies to Smash stance heavy attacks, it’s still a very strong weapon for anyone who enjoys that playstyle, making it a reliable pick at the high B-tier level.

Cloud Pattern Stone Staff Pros:

  • Early Acquisition: Obtainable early in Chapter 2, providing a significant power boost in the early to mid-game.
  • Solid Base Attack: Offers a respectable base attack of 60, ensuring decent damage output.
  • Flat Defense Bonus: Provides valuable defense early on, increasing survivability during the initial stages of the game.
  • Powerful Passive: Grants a substantial 38% damage increase to charged heavy attacks in Smash stance, making it highly effective for players who utilize this combat style.
  • Scales Well: The passive’s damage boost allows it to remain relevant even against New Game Plus enemies, extending its usefulness.

Cloud Pattern Stone Staff Cons:

  • No Crit Chance: Lacks the ability to land critical hits, potentially limiting burst damage potential.
  • Situational Passive: The damage boost is exclusive to charged heavy attacks in Smash stance, making it less effective for other playstyles.
  • Defense Less Valuable Later On: The flat defense bonus becomes less impactful as the game progresses and enemies deal more damage.

B-Tier Weapons – Weapons Tier List

Visionary Centipede Staff

The Visionary Centipede Staff might just be the worst legendary staff in the game, and I absolutely hate it. To even get this weapon, you have to clear all the way from Chapter 1 to the end of Chapter 4, including the final boss of Chapter 4. That’s a lot of effort for a weapon that’s not worth it. The Chitin Staff, mentioned earlier, builds into this staff, but it has almost the exact same passive.

The passive allows you to heal when you heavy attack a poisoned enemy with a focus point, but here’s the kicker: the staff doesn’t apply poison. You’re forced to use another weapon or transformation to poison enemies, wasting time just to get a heal that’s barely noticeable. The only redeeming factor is its stats—90 base attack and one of the highest crit chances in the game. However, the passive is almost non-existent, and there’s no upgrade path after you obtain it. With other, better staves available by the time you can get this one, it earns its place in B-tier for its stats alone.

Visionary Centipede Staff Pros:

  • High Base Attack: Boasts a strong base attack of 90, enabling significant damage output.
  • High Crit Chance: Possesses one of the highest crit chances in the game, increasing the frequency of critical hits and burst damage potential.
  • Potential for Healing: Offers a passive healing ability when heavy attacking poisoned enemies with focus points, providing some sustain in specific situations.

Visionary Centipede Staff Cons:

  • Late-Game Acquisition: Requires completing a significant portion of the game, including the final boss of Chapter 4, before it can be obtained.
  • Useless Passive: The healing passive is conditional on enemies being poisoned, and the staff itself doesn’t inflict poison, making it impractical and unreliable.
  • No Upgrade Path: Lacks any further upgrade options after acquisition, limiting its long-term viability.
  • Outclassed by Other Options: Other superior staves are available by the time this one is obtained, making it less appealing.
  • Inefficient Design: The passive’s dependence on external poison application is poorly designed and hinders its overall effectiveness.

Staff of Blazing Karma

Next up is the Staff of Blazing Karma, a legendary staff I almost hate as much as the Visionary Centipede Staff. At least this one has a cool-looking passive, but the execution is awful. The passive requires spending three or more focus points to activate a small area-of-effect fire. Unfortunately, the passive has anti-synergy: every time you trigger the fire, the heavy attack that activated it pushes the enemy out of the fire’s hitbox, making the fire damage almost irrelevant.

This staff has a base attack of 100, but with no crit chance and a passive that rarely works as intended, it’s just not worth it. You can only get it near the end of Chapter 5, and you can’t upgrade it until New Game Plus. For a staff you’re supposed to use late in the game, it falls flat. Still, the base damage is decent enough to place it at the lower end of A-tier.

Staff of Blazing Karma Pros:

  • High Base Attack: Offers a strong base attack of 100, ensuring significant damage output.
  • Visually Appealing Passive: Features a visually impressive fire area-of-effect ability, enhancing combat spectacle.
  • Potential for Area Damage: The passive can theoretically damage multiple enemies within its radius, providing crowd control potential in ideal situations.

Staff of Blazing Karma Cons:

  • Flawed Passive Execution: The heavy attack used to trigger the fire often pushes enemies out of the area of effect, severely limiting its damage potential and creating frustrating gameplay.
  • No Crit Chance: Lacks the ability to land critical hits, hindering burst damage potential.
  • Late-Game Acquisition and Upgrade: Obtainable only near the end of Chapter 5 and cannot be upgraded until New Game Plus, making it less accessible and limiting its immediate impact.
  • Underwhelming Performance: Despite its decent base damage, the poorly designed passive significantly hampers its overall effectiveness, especially considering its late-game acquisition.

A-Tier Weapons – Black Myth Wukong Best Weapons Tier List

Spider Celestial Staff – Decent Midgame Staff

Spider Celestial Staff Black Myth Wukong

The Spider Celestial Staff, a legendary weapon acquired midway through Chapter 4 of Black Myth: Wukong, presents a mixed bag of strengths and weaknesses. While it boasts an impressive 12% crit chance, the second-highest in the game, and a respectable 85 base attack, it’s let down by a lackluster passive ability and an awkward poison mechanic.

On the plus side, the staff’s high crit chance, coupled with its decent base attack, makes it a solid choice for dealing consistent damage, especially during the mid-game where it technically offers the highest DPS among available staves. However, the absence of a meaningful passive ability leaves it feeling somewhat underwhelming compared to other legendary weapons.

The staff’s so-called passive, which heals you for each Focus Point consumed during a charged heavy attack, is practically negligible. To add insult to injury, the staff forces you to poison yourself in order to apply poison to enemies, a mechanic that feels both clunky and inefficient. Once poisoned, you can only apply poison to enemies with heavy attacks, further limiting its usefulness.

While the Spider Celestial Staff’s passive pales in comparison to other weapons, it does offer a slight advantage over the Visionary Centipede Staff, which shares a similar, yet even less effective, passive. Furthermore, unlike the Centipede Staff, the Spider Celestial Staff can be upgraded into a new mythical staff in New Game Plus, giving it some long-term value.

Spider Celestial Staff Pros:

  • High Crit Chance: Boasts an impressive 12% crit chance, second-highest in the game, leading to frequent critical hits and increased damage output.
  • Decent Base Attack: Offers a respectable 85 base attack, contributing to solid overall damage.
  • Mid-Game Powerhouse: Provides the highest DPS among staves available during the mid-game, making it a valuable asset during that phase.
  • Upgrade Potential: Can be upgraded into a new mythical staff in New Game Plus, offering long-term value and progression.

Spider Celestial Staff Cons:

  • Lackluster Passive: The healing passive triggered by consuming Focus Points during charged heavy attacks is negligible and barely noticeable.
  • Awkward Poison Mechanic: Requires self-poisoning to apply poison to enemies, creating a clunky and inefficient gameplay experience.
  • Limited Poison Application: Can only apply poison to enemies through heavy attacks, further restricting its effectiveness.
  • Underwhelming Compared to Other Legendaries: Lacks a meaningful passive ability, making it less exciting and versatile compared to other legendary weapons.

Storm Flash Loong Staff

The Storm Flash Loong Staff is the worst mythical-tier staff, in my opinion, and can only be obtained in New Game Plus. After defeating every boss in the base game, you can finally craft this staff, but it requires nine Long Pearls, meaning you need to kill every Long boss twice (once per playthrough). This staff boasts the highest base attack of all weapons (90) and a 9% crit chance, but its passive is a disaster.

When you charge a heavy attack, you build up a thunder meter. Once it’s full, it activates the passive, which also applies a thunder debuff to yourself, causing you to take 20% more damage from all sources. During this time, your attacks deal lightning damage, and enemies can build up a lightning debuff. However, the lightning debuff is weak, and the self-inflicted 20% damage increase makes it a risky trade-off. Plus, if you have resistance to the Bane elements, the duration of the debuff is cut short, further reducing the effectiveness of the weapon.

The Storm Flash Loong Staff isn’t a great mythical weapon, and it’s locked behind two playthroughs, making it my least favorite mythical staff and deserving of the lowest A-tier spot.

Storm Flash Loong Staff Pros:

  • Highest Base Attack: Possesses the highest base attack among all weapons (90), ensuring exceptional damage output.
  • High Crit Chance: Offers a 9% crit chance, increasing the frequency of critical hits and burst damage potential.
  • Unique Lightning Passive: Grants the ability to inflict lightning damage and debuff enemies, potentially offering crowd control and additional damage over time.

Storm Flash Loong Staff Cons:

  • Late-Game Acquisition: Only obtainable in New Game Plus after defeating every boss in the base game, significantly delaying access.
  • Grindy Crafting Requirement: Requires nine Long Pearls, necessitating defeating every Long boss twice, making it a time-consuming endeavor.
  • Self-Damaging Passive: The passive inflicts a 20% damage increase debuff on the wielder, creating a risky trade-off for its benefits.
  • Weak Lightning Debuff: The lightning debuff applied to enemies is relatively weak, limiting its overall impact.
  • Shortened Debuff Duration with Resistance: If the wielder or enemies have resistance to Bane elements, the debuff’s duration is reduced, further hindering its effectiveness.

Chu Bai Spear

The Chu Bai Spear is a better weapon than the Storm Flash Loong Staff because you don’t have to wait until the end of your second playthrough to obtain it. While its base attack is lower (75) and it has no crit chance, its passive changes your light attack move set to a unique spear thrust style. Additionally, it buffs special abilities from the thrust stance staff tree, making it great for players who enjoy thrust stance.

This weapon is obtainable midway through Chapter 3 and is dedicated to thrust stance builds. It provides a decent midgame option, and while the passive buff isn’t huge, it’s enough to make thrust stance weapons hit harder compared to other epic-rarity staves. Overall, it’s a fun midgame staff that’s solid for thrust stance users.

Chu Bai Spear Pros:

  • Unique Moveset: Changes light attack moveset to a spear thrust style, offering a distinct and engaging combat experience.
  • Thrust Stance Synergy: Buffs special abilities from the thrust stance staff tree, making it ideal for players who favor this playstyle.
  • Mid-Game Accessibility: Obtainable midway through Chapter 3, providing a valuable upgrade option before reaching the late game.
  • Solid for Thrust Stance Builds: Offers a decent midgame option and enhances the effectiveness of thrust stance weapons compared to other epic-rarity staves.

Chu Bai Spear Cons:

  • Lower Base Attack: Base attack of 75 is lower than some other options, potentially impacting overall damage output.
  • No Crit Chance: Lacks the ability to land critical hits, limiting burst damage potential.
  • Niche Focus: Primarily caters to thrust stance builds, making it less versatile for players who prefer other playstyles.
  • Limited Long-Term Viability: May be outclassed by stronger weapons later in the game or in New Game Plus.

Loong Wreath Staff

The Loong Wreath Staff is similar to the Chu Bai Spear, but it’s designed for pillar stance users. Found early in Chapter 2, this staff offers a base attack of 70 and buffs pillar stance special attacks. While pillar stance is my least favorite of the three main stances in Black Myth: Wukong, I can acknowledge that this staff has great value, especially since it can be acquired so early in the game.

For those who like pillar stance, this weapon is a powerhouse in the early game. Even if you don’t enjoy that stance, the high base attack makes it a strong pick for the early game, warranting its place in A-tier.

Loong Wreath Staff Pros:

  • Early Acquisition: Obtainable early in Chapter 2, providing a significant power boost during the initial stages of the game.
  • High Base Attack: Offers a decent base attack of 70, ensuring good damage output.
  • Pillar Stance Synergy: Buffs special attacks from the pillar stance staff tree, making it a valuable asset for players who favor this playstyle.
  • Strong Early-Game Option: Serves as a powerful weapon for pillar stance users in the early game, facilitating smoother progression.

Loong Wreath Staff Cons:

  • No Crit Chance: Lacks the ability to land critical hits, potentially limiting burst damage potential.
  • Niche Focus: Primarily caters to pillar stance builds, making it less versatile for players who prefer other playstyles.
  • Limited Long-Term Viability: May be outclassed by stronger weapons later in the game or in New Game Plus, especially for non-pillar stance users.
  • Pillar Stance Preference: Its effectiveness is tied to the player’s enjoyment and proficiency with pillar stance combat.

Spike Shaft Staff

The Spike Shaft Staff is one of the earliest legendary weapons you can obtain, becoming available at the end of Chapter 3. It has a base attack of 80, though it doesn’t have any crit chance. The passive is its weak point: when you perform a light attack followed by a perfectly timed heavy attack (the Resolute Strike), you gain invincibility frames for a short duration. If an enemy hits you during this window, the staff generates focus points.

While the passive isn’t terrible, it’s highly situational and rarely useful. Still, the Spike Shaft Staff offers a high base attack, making it a good midgame option if you don’t have anything better at the time. It’s a solid, if underwhelming, legendary staff that sits comfortably in A-tier.

Spike Shaft Staff Buffed in Patch

The Spike Shaft Staff has been buffed in the latest Black Myth Wukong update. It now increases your maximum mana by 30 in addition to its existing 80 attack. This is a significant upgrade at the stage you get this weapon (around Chapter 3 or 4), making it a more attractive option for players who want to cast abilities more often.

The Spike Shaft Staff is still a solid option for players who perform a lot of Resolute Counter Flows or other See-Through mechanics, as it grants you Continuous Focus for a brief moment after successfully seeing through an enemy’s attack. This allows you to cast your abilities more often and deal more damage.

Spike Shaft Staff Pros:

  • Early Legendary Acquisition: Obtainable at the end of Chapter 3, providing access to a legendary weapon relatively early in the game.
  • High Base Attack: Offers a strong base attack of 80, ensuring significant damage output.
  • Situational Defensive Passive: Grants invincibility frames and generates focus points when performing a perfectly timed light attack followed by a heavy attack, potentially offering survivability and resource management benefits in specific scenarios.

Spike Shaft Staff Cons:

  • No Crit Chance: Lacks the ability to land critical hits, limiting burst damage potential.
  • Highly Situational Passive: The passive’s effectiveness relies on precise timing and specific attack patterns, making it less reliable and versatile in general combat.
  • Limited Passive Benefit: The invincibility frames and focus point generation are relatively minor benefits, especially compared to the powerful passives of other legendary weapons.
  • Underwhelming Overall: While offering decent base damage, the situational and limited passive makes it a less appealing choice compared to other legendary staves, especially in the late game.

Bishui Beast Staff – Best Legendary Staff in Black Myth Wukong

Bishui Beast Staff Black Myth Wukong

The Bishui Beast Staff claims the top spot among legendary staves, not through flashy gimmicks, but with pure, unadulterated power. It boasts the highest base attack at 105, coupled with a 10% crit chance, the second-highest among its peers. While the lack of a passive ability might raise eyebrows, it’s important to remember that most legendary staff passives are underwhelming or outright useless.

The Bishui Beast Staff’s strength lies in its simplicity. It delivers consistently high damage without relying on finicky mechanics or situational triggers. Compare this to other legendary staffs: the Spider Celestial Staff and Visionary Centipede Staff offer negligible healing, the Staff of Blazing Karma’s passive often works against itself, and the Spike Shaft Staff’s focus generation, while interesting, is highly situational and lacks crit chance.

The Bishui Beast Staff’s main drawback is its late-game availability, requiring near-completion of Chapter 5 and its secret area. However, for those who persevere, it offers a reliable and powerful option for the late game. Its high base attack and crit chance make it a formidable weapon, proving that sometimes, no passive is better than a bad one.

Bishui Beast Staff Pros:

  • Highest Base Attack: Boasts the highest base attack among all legendary staffs (105), ensuring exceptional damage output.
  • High Crit Chance: Offers a 10% crit chance, the second-highest among legendary staffs, increasing the frequency of critical hits and burst damage potential.
  • Consistent and Reliable: Delivers consistently high damage without relying on complex mechanics or situational triggers, making it a dependable choice for various combat scenarios.
  • Simplicity is Strength: Its lack of a passive ability is not a significant drawback, as many legendary staff passives are underwhelming or detrimental.

Bishui Beast Staff Cons:

  • Late-Game Acquisition: Only obtainable near the end of Chapter 5 after completing its secret area, significantly delaying access.
  • No Passive Ability: Lacks any additional passive effects or abilities, potentially making it less versatile compared to some other legendary weapons (although their passives are often lackluster).
  • High Skill Requirement: Its raw power might necessitate skillful play to fully utilize its potential, especially in challenging late-game encounters.

Golden Loong Staff – Underrated Mythical Weapon in Black Myth Wukong But Not In Our Tier List

Golden Loong Staff Black Myth Wukong

The Golden Long Staff is a weapon that often sparks debate. It’s the earliest mythical staff you can obtain in Black Myth: Wukong, but it’s locked behind one of the game’s most challenging bosses, Yellow Long. While many players struggle with this encounter, it’s worth noting that Yellow Long’s difficulty is relative, and skilled players might find it less daunting.

Initially, I was hesitant about this weapon, mainly because I dislike pillar stance, and this staff is designed exclusively for it. However, my perspective changed when I realized its true strength lies not just in the pillar stance buff but in its lightning debuff capabilities.

With three focus points, the Golden Long Staff’s heavy attack unleashes a devastating lightning strike that almost instantly applies the full lightning debuff to the enemy. This debuff increases all incoming damage by a whopping 20%, making it a game-changer, especially compared to the Storm Flash Staff, which struggles to build up the debuff even after multiple attacks.

The ability to apply the lightning debuff so quickly is a massive advantage, significantly boosting your damage output in the mid-game. While I still dislike being forced into pillar stance, the Golden Long Staff’s lightning debuff potential outweighs this drawback, making it a valuable asset for players seeking a reliable and powerful mid-game weapon.

Golden Loong Staff Pros:

  • Early Mythic Acquisition: Obtainable relatively early in the game after defeating Yellow Long, providing access to a powerful mythical weapon sooner than other options.
  • Potent Lightning Debuff: Heavy attack with three focus points rapidly applies a full lightning debuff to enemies, increasing their incoming damage by 20%.
  • High Damage Potential: The combination of the lightning debuff and pillar stance buffs significantly boosts damage output, making it a formidable weapon, especially in the mid-game.
  • Pillar Stance Synergy: Specifically designed for pillar stance, enhancing the effectiveness of this playstyle.

Golden Loong Staff Cons:

  • Challenging Boss Encounter: Requires defeating the difficult Yellow Long boss to obtain, potentially delaying access for some players.
  • Pillar Stance Restriction: Limited to pillar stance usage, making it less versatile for players who prefer other combat styles.
  • Base Stats Not Provided: The information doesn’t mention its base attack or crit chance, making it difficult to fully assess its overall power compared to other weapons.
  • Potential for Overreliance on Debuff: Its effectiveness might be heavily reliant on the lightning debuff, potentially making it less impactful against enemies resistant or immune to it.

Black Myth Wukong Best Weapons Tier List – Kang Jin Staff Is The Best A-Tier Weapon

The Kang Jin Staff stands as one of the most well-rounded, versatile, and easily accessible weapons for early to mid-game players. This staff is obtainable at the start of Chapter 3, the longest chapter in Black Myth: Wukong, and it proves to be a reliable weapon for a substantial portion of the game. Here’s why:

  1. Base Stats: The Kang Jin Staff features solid stats for early to mid-game with a strong balance between base attack and crit chance. Specifically, it has a base attack only 10 less than the Chitin Staff, but with an added 1% crit chance, making it overall more effective for consistent damage output.
  2. Early Availability: The Chitin Staff may boast higher damage, but it’s not obtainable until an entire chapter later. The Rat Sage Staff is a close competitor, but since it’s only obtainable at the end of Chapter 2, the Kang Jin Staff instantly surpasses it upon acquisition.
  3. Accessibility: Unlike higher-end legendary and mythical staves like the Visionary Centipede Staff or Staff of Blazing Karma, which are locked behind bosses at the end of Chapters 4 and 5 respectively, the Kang Jin Staff is available much earlier in Chapter 3. This means it can carry you through the longest chapter in the game while other staves remain out of reach until much later.
  4. Flexibility with Stances: The Kang Jin Staff works well with any stance. Unlike the Loong Wreath Staff or Chu Bai Spear, which are stance-specific, the Kang Jin Staff doesn’t limit you to a particular playstyle. It performs admirably with pillar stance and thrust stance, even if it doesn’t directly buff them. Its lightning debuff offers a solid damage boost that can be leveraged regardless of your chosen stance.
  5. Comparable Damage to Late-Game Staves: Even when compared to later staves like the Spike Shaft Staff, which offers only 10 more base damage but has no crit chance, the Kang Jin Staff proves to be a reliable and consistent option. The Visionary Centipede Staff may have 20 more base attack and 4% more crit chance, but it’s handicapped by its horrible passive and its late-game acquisition, making the Kang Jin Staff a better overall choice earlier in the game.
  6. Ease of Acquisition: Some legendary staves like the Spider Celestial Staff (Chapter 4), Bish Beast Staff (Chapter 5), and Golden Long Staff are locked behind incredibly challenging bosses or secret areas. Meanwhile, the Kang Jin Staff is much easier to get earlier in the game and performs at a similar level to these harder-to-obtain weapons.

Why the TriPoint Spear Falls Short of S-Tier (Tri Point Double Edged Spear)

Now, let’s talk about the TriPoint Spear. It still tops many of Many players might assume that the weapon you get after defeating the secret area final boss in Chapter 3, Erlang Shen, should be a top-tier weapon, but the reality is a bit disappointing. Here’s why:

  1. Hard to Obtain: The TriPoint Spear is locked behind the hardest boss in the game, requiring players to not only complete all four secret area final bosses but also defeat Erlang Shen, which is a brutal challenge. This already makes the spear difficult for most players to acquire.
  2. Mediocre Stats: Despite its status as a weapon obtained from such a difficult boss, the TriPoint Spear only has a 135 base attack and a 6% crit chance. On paper, it looks solid, but its passives are underwhelming in practice.
  3. Thrust Stance Synergy: The TriPoint Spear buffs thrust stance abilities by around 16%, but it feels lackluster. The spear’s light attack combo is flashy, and the Lucky Strike ability (when you have one focus point) unleashes an onslaught of spears, but the damage output is just not as high as it should be for a weapon obtained from the game’s hardest boss.
  4. Fuban Staff Comparison: After extensive testing, the Fuban Staff in New Game Plus shows that despite its lower base attack, it has more than double the crit chance and often deals the same (if not more) damage as the TriPoint Spear when using thrust stance abilities. Considering how much easier the Fuban Staff is to obtain in a second playthrough, the TriPoint Spear just doesn’t live up to its reputation.
  5. Underwhelming for the Difficulty: For a weapon that’s supposed to be a crowning achievement after defeating the hardest boss in the game, the TriPoint Spear feels like a letdown. It’s flashy, and the visuals are amazing, but it lacks the damage output and crit chance needed to make it truly stand out.

S-Tier Weapons – Black Myth Wukong Best Weapons Tier List

When it comes to S-Tier weapons in Black Myth: Wukong, there are three that stand head and shoulders above the rest. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, making it hard to crown one as the ultimate best. Whether it’s the raw power of the Fuban Staff, the defensive synergy of the Dark Iron Staff, or the legendary Jingu Bang, each weapon excels in its own way. Let’s break them down so you can figure out which one fits your playstyle.

Adept Spine Shooting Fuban Staff (New Game Plus Exclusive)

Fuban Staff - Black Myth Wukong Weapon Tier list

The Fuban Staff stands out for its versatility. Regardless of whether you prefer Smash, Thrust, or Pillar stance, this weapon adapts to any playstyle and excels in all of them. The Fuban Staff features the highest crit chance in the game at a whopping 25%, paired with a respectable base attack of 120, making it perfect for players who enjoy landing consistent crits while dealing solid damage.

Its passive ability, Exploding Spike, tends to fly under the radar, but it shouldn’t. While it’s meant to deal bonus damage to enemies nearby, there’s more to it than meets the eye. If you’re targeting larger enemies with wider hitboxes, the extra damage can actually strike the same enemy again, leading to a substantial DPS increase. Even better, the bonus crit damage from this passive can also apply to the same target, and it works with any stance, whether you prefer a more defensive or aggressive playstyle.

On top of that, the Fuban Staff is more accessible than other high-end weapons, as it isn’t locked behind defeating the hardest boss in the game. You can still snag it without needing to complete the True Ending, making it an appealing option that offers great flexibility across different stances.

Adept Spine-Shooting Fuban Staff Pros:

  • Versatile Stance Compatibility: Works effectively with all three stances (Smash, Thrust, Pillar), offering flexibility for various playstyles.
  • Highest Crit Chance: Boasts an impressive 25% crit chance, maximizing the frequency of critical hits and burst damage potential.
  • High Base Attack: Offers a strong base attack of 120, ensuring substantial damage output even without critical hits.
  • Hidden Passive Power: The Exploding Spike passive can deal significant bonus damage, especially against larger enemies, and synergizes well with the high crit chance.
  • Relatively Accessible: Obtainable earlier in New Game Plus compared to other top-tier weapons, providing a powerful option sooner in the playthrough.

Adept Spine-Shooting Fuban Staff Cons:

  • New Game Plus Exclusive: Only available in New Game Plus, requiring completion of the base game to access.
  • Passive’s Hidden Potential: The full power of the Exploding Spike passive might not be immediately obvious to players, requiring some experimentation and understanding to utilize effectively.
  • Potentially Overpowered: Its combination of high base attack, crit chance, and versatile passive might make it feel unbalanced or less challenging for some players.

Dark Iron Staff (New Game Plus Exclusive)

Dark Iron Staff - Black Myth WUkong Weapons Tier List

If raw power is what you crave, the Dark Iron Staff is the weapon to wield. It boasts the highest base damage in the game thanks to its passive, which scales your attack based on your total armor. After extensive testing, I found that you get around 15 flat damage for every 100 points of armor. For example, with the Yaka set equipped, you can push the base damage to 223 with 444 armor, and even higher with other armor setups.

However, the Dark Iron Staff comes with zero crit chance, which means you’ll need to supplement it with other gear, abilities, and perks. One great way to balance this is by using the Cloudstep perk, which grants up to 40% bonus crit chance while you’re invisible. This allows you to land devastating critical hits when you time it right.

That said, this staff comes with some limitations. It’s earned late into New Game Plus and demands you to invest in crit gear to fully unlock its potential. For those who thrive on high-risk, high-reward gameplay, pairing this staff with the Yaka set gives you top-tier damage, but you’ll be sacrificing some durability due to the Yaka passive that increases incoming damage by 30%. For a more balanced setup, the Bull King set or the original Wukong Easter Egg set provides solid defense while keeping your offense strong.

Dark Iron Staff Pros:

  • Highest Potential Base Damage: Boasts the highest potential base damage in the game, scaling with your total armor value.
  • Excellent for High-Armor Builds: Synergizes exceptionally well with armor-focused builds, allowing for massive damage output.
  • Rewarding High-Risk Playstyle: Encourages aggressive play and rewards skillful timing with devastating attacks.

Dark Iron Staff Cons:

  • Zero Crit Chance: Lacks any innate critical hit chance, requiring investment in crit-boosting gear or abilities to maximize damage potential.
  • Late-Game Acquisition: Obtainable only late into New Game Plus, limiting its accessibility and immediate impact.
  • Reliant on Armor Investment: Requires significant investment in armor to fully realize its damage potential, potentially hindering build diversity.
  • Fragile Playstyle: High damage output often comes at the cost of reduced defense, demanding careful positioning and timing to avoid taking heavy damage.

Jingu Bang

Jingu Bang - Black Myth Wukong Weapon Tier List

Ah, the Jingu Bang—Wukong’s iconic staff and a fan favorite. This weapon is a masterclass in game design, combining sheer power with strategic versatility. It comes loaded with a base attack of 135 and a 6% base crit chance. What truly sets the Jingu Bang apart, however, is its passive ability, which allows it to store a fourth Max Focus Charge permanently. Other weapons can only hold this for about 10 seconds before it decays, but the Jingu Bang lets you keep that heavy charge for as long as you need, making it invaluable for boss fights and difficult encounters.

This staff also comes with a unique gear set bonus, boosting your crit chance by 8% after casting a spell when you have at least three pieces of the associated set equipped. Pair this with the Soaring Bracers, which offer an additional 4% crit chance, and you’ll quickly build a deadly crit machine. The Jingu Bang is the only staff in the game that supports this level of Focus charge management and crit synergy, making it perfect for players who love maximizing their damage output through well-timed Focus attacks.

And if you’re dedicated enough to beat the game three times over and collect all 18 relics, you’ll unlock the secret True Wukong stance, which activates when using a Max Focus Charge heavy attack. This transforms the Jingu Bang into an even more powerful weapon with a unique moveset. While the stance only lasts for 60 seconds, it’s an incredibly fun mechanic that rewards dedicated players who want to push their gameplay to the limit.

Jingu Bang Pros:

  • High Base Attack and Crit Chance: Boasts a base attack of 135 and a 6% crit chance, providing a strong foundation for consistent and powerful damage output.
  • Unique Passive: Permanently stores a fourth Max Focus Charge, allowing for extended periods of high-damage heavy attacks and strategic flexibility in combat.
  • Gear Set Synergy: Boosts crit chance by 8% after casting a spell when equipped with at least three pieces of the associated set, further enhancing critical hit potential.
  • True Wukong Stance: Unlocks the powerful True Wukong stance when used with a Max Focus Charge and all 18 relics collected, offering additional combat benefits and visual flair.

Jingu Bang Cons:

  • Late-Game Acquisition: Requires completing the game three times and collecting all 18 relics to fully unlock its potential, making it a long-term goal.
  • Relies on Focus Management: Maximizing its effectiveness requires skillful Focus Charge management and timing, potentially creating a steeper learning curve for some players.
  • Gear Set Dependence: The crit chance bonus from the gear set might encourage specific build choices, potentially limiting flexibility in equipment selection.
  • High Skill Ceiling: Fully utilizing its capabilities, especially in True Wukong stance, might demand advanced combat skills and precise execution.

Final Thoughts

In the end, each of these S-Tier weapons has something to offer based on your preferred playstyle. If you’re after a weapon that excels in versatility and consistency, the Fuban Staff is a fantastic choice. For those who like to stack defense and deal massive damage, the Dark Iron Staff’s armor-scaling passive makes it a powerhouse. But if you’re here for the Wukong experience—complete with iconic lore, Max Focus Charge management, and unique abilities—the Jingu Bang will be your go-to weapon.

Personally, I favor the Jingu Bang for its Max Focus Charge mechanic and the added depth of the Wukong stance. But which weapon you gravitate toward will depend on how you like to play Black Myth: Wukong. But you do you. Deck out the Monkey King, reborn with your favourite best weapon from our Black Myth Wukong Weapons Tier List.

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