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Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies has a story and Easter Eggs, which you have to figure out on your own most of the time. And out of all the Puzzles in the game, the hardest one yet is the Computer Math Puzzle Solution in Terminus in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies. You have to first unlock the Computer Math Puzzle Room and then, solve the Computer Code Puzzle which requires you to do a bit of ALGEBRA. Yes, you’re supposed to do Algebra. Looks like our Math Teachers were right all along. Without further ado, here is how to solve the Terminus computer math puzzle in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies.

If you still haven’t completed Liberty Falls, check out all the Easter Eggs right here.

Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Here’s how to unlock the Computer Math Puzzle Room and the Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution in COD BO6 Zombies

  1. Activate All Amp Generators
    • Start by activating 3 AMP generators; one is near the spawn point. The second in the Living Quarters. The Third in the Bio Lab
  2. Buy the Dead Wire Ammo Mod
    • Locate the Arsenal in the Bio Lab and purchase the Dead Wire Ammo Mod for 500 Salvage Points.
  3. Activate the Inclined Lift
    • After restoring power, find the Inclined Lift near the Pack-A-Punch Machine underwater in the Bio Lab
    • Spend 500 Salvage Points to raise the lift.
  4. Shoot the Power Junction Boxes
    • As the lift ascends, use the Dead Wire Mod to shoot the junction box visible through the window and the other 2 boxes quickly.
    • Continue along the route from the storage area. Shoot the junction box in the living quarters above the AMP generator. Shoot the final Junction box outside, in the Rec Yard.
  5. Obtain the EMF FOB
    • Shoot the zombie under the cabinets to acquire the EMF FOB.
  6. Get the Multiphasic Resonator
    • Locate the map-marked briefcase with a severed hand, then retrieve the Multiphasic Resonator.
  7. Find the X, Y, and Z Laptops
    • X Laptop: Outside near Quick-Revive.
    • Z Laptop: Near Stamin-Up and Armory.
    • Y Laptop: Near Deadshot Daiquiri, below Sea Tower.
  8. Activate the Computer
    • Return to the puzzle room and activate the computer to begin the math puzzle.

Solving the Terminus Computer Math Puzzle

  1. Locate the symbols for X, Y, and Z on the whiteboard.
    • Example positions may vary; note the numbers beside each symbol.
  2. Plug in the values for X, Y, and Z into the equations:
    • X Equation: 2X + 11
    • Y Equation: (2Z + Y) – 5
    • Z Equation: |(Y + Z) – X|
  3. Input the solutions for X, Y, and Z into the computer.

Skipping the Puzzle (Optional)

  • Return to Dr. Peck through the Security Outlook and to the Guard Station and pay him 5000 Essence to bypass the puzzle entirely.

How To Unlock The Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Room – Terminus Computer Puzzle Solution Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution

Before solving the Computer Math Puzzle in Terminus, you need to first access the Computer Math Puzzle Room, which involves a few steps.

Step 1: Activate All the Amp Generators

You need to first activate 3 AMP generators, one of which is found right next to spawn. The second is found in the living quarters and the third AMP generator is found in the Bio Lab The NPCs will guide you in finding all the AMP generators, which is pretty easy. But here come the harder parts.

Step 2: Buy The Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Locate the Arsenal in the Bio Lab and buy the Dead Wire Ammo Mod for 500 Salvage Points.

Step 3: Activate The Inclined Lift – Pack-A-Punch Machine Location in Terminus

How to solve the Computer Math Puzzle on Terminus for Free in COD BO6 Zombies (1)

After enabling the AMP Generators and restoring the Power, dive into the water below in the Bio Lab, and locate the Inclined Lift. Here, you’ll also find the Pack-A-Punch Machine. After it rises to the surface, spend 500 Salvage Points and activate the lift to go up. But here’s where you need to pay attention.

Step 4: Shoot The Power Junction Boxes

As you’re ascending via the lift, turn around and scope into the window as shown in the screenshot. You’ll spot a junction box. Here’s where the Deadwire Ammo Mod comes in handy. Shoot the junction box and electricity will surge through the wiring. Shoot 2 more Junction Boxes as shown in the screenshots.

Move through this route into the Living Quarters and shoot the fourth Junction Box. Go out of the room and shoot the last junction box just right next to the entrance in the Rec Yard, and you’ve successfully unlocked the Computer Math Puzzle Room.

Step 5: Get The EMF FOB 

Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (1)

But you’re not quite done just yet. Before you can solve the Terminus Computer Math Puzzle, shoot the zombie trapped under the cabinets to get the EMF FOB.

Step 6: Get The Multiphasic Resonator

Now, you have to get the Multiphasic Resonator. Go to the location marked on the map. You’ll spot a briefcase with a severed hand attached to it. Open the briefcase to get the Multiphasic Resonator.

Step 7: Locate the X, Y, and Z Laptops – Terminus Laptop Location

The X Laptop is found outside the building near Quick-Revive. 

The Z Laptop is found near the Stamin-up and Armory.

The Y Laptop is found below the Sea Tower near the docks and Deadshot Daiquiri.

Step 8: Activate The Computer to Unlock The Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies

Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (1)

Now, head back to the Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Room and activate the Computer.

How To Solve The Terminus Computer Math Puzzle in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies – Computer Math Puzzle Solution

  • Now, it is time for the Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution in COD BO6 Zombies.
  • Locate the symbol for X on the whiteboard. That’s the second row and the second column for me. Put the two numbers together. For me, X is 11.
  • Locate the symbol for Y on the whiteboard. It’s the second column and the third row for me. Put 2 and 1 together and that’s 21.
  • Locate the symbol for Z on the whiteboard. That’s the second row and the third column for me, which is 10.
  • While the symbols might be shuffled for each playthrough, the algebra equations remain the same in Terminus.
  • The Solution for X is 2X+11. Substitute X for 11. That becomes (2×11)+11=33
  • The Solution for Y is (2Z+Y)-5. Substitute Y for 21 and Z for 10. The equation becomes [(2×10)+21]-5. The solution for this is 41-5=36
  • The Solution for Z is |(Y+Z)-X|. Substitute the numbers |(21+10)-11|=20
  • Enter the numbers for X, Y, and Z for the Terminus Computer Math Puzzle Solution in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Zombies.

How To Skip The Terminus Computer Math Puzzle in COD BO6 Zombies

You can also head through the Security Overlook and into the Guard Station, interact with Dr. Peck, and bribe him with 5000 Essence to just buy the solution to the Computer Puzzle. This could be useful if you’re playing co-op.