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How To Find Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Locations, Weaknesses and Destroy Them EASILY

The Factory Strider is the newest Automaton enemy unit on the block in Helldivers 2 that straight-up looks like a Helldiver 2 AT&T Walker. Upon first glance, these Automaton Walkers are bound to make you soil your armor. So, how hard is it to kill a Helldivers 2 Factory Strider? With the right setup and gunning at a Factory Strider’s weak points in Helldivers 2, you can pretty much take them out within a few seconds. So, let’s take a look at Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Locations, Weaknesses, and how to destroy them easily.

How To Find Factory Strider Locations in Helldivers 2?

Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Locations

These Helldivers 2 Factory Striders tend to spawn once every two or three missions at difficulties of level 3-7. Only one Factory Strider spawns per map. These Automaton walkers are mostly found at Main Objectives, which means that Side Objectives or missions are out of the question.

You can also find that at minor points of interest, bot outposts. Specifically, extraction points found on Bot Outposts are the best way to find Factory Striders in Helldivers 2. If you have a mini-map with a red-circle at the Extraction site found near an outpost, you can bet your life that a Factory Strider has spawned there.

Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Weapon Weak Points

Factory Striders in Helldivers 2 -

The Factory Strider in Helldivers 2 consists of a few destructible weapons which you might want to take out first. They consist of the front-facing Gatling Guns, the Cannon Turret strapped to the Factory Strider’s head, and last but not least are the Fabricators. Taking out all of these weapons will basically make the Factory Strider useless in terms of battle. I was able to take them out fairly easily after disabling its weapons.

Destructible Factory Strider Weapons in Helldivers 2

  • Gatling Gun Turrets
  • Cannon Turret
  • Fabricators or Vents

How To Destroy Factory Strider Cannon Turret

Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Weakness Weak Point - How to Destroy Factory Strider Helldivers 2 (3)

First and foremost, you might want to take out a Factory Strider’s weapons if you want to get up close and personal with this Automaton enemy. Factory Striders consist of a pair of Gatling Guns mounted to the Automaton enemy’s chin that can tear through you if you’re not careful. 

On the head, we have the Cannon Turret that can blast you into smithereens if you’re within sight lines. And it’s pretty tough to break through. It’s by far one of the strongest enemy cannons in the game and has a pretty heavy penetration factor added to it. 

You’ll need a heavy penetration weapon to get the job done and in this case, you can surely bet that the OP Stratagem in Helldivers 2, the EAT-17 or Recoilless Rifle can get the job done. 2 rockets from the EAT-17 can destroy the Factory Strider’s head-mounted Cannon Turret with ease.

If you’re not a fan of the EAT-17, then a few shots from the Recoilless Rifle can also get the job done. Bonus points if you manage to land a shot with the Spear, as it can take out the Cannon Turret in just one shot. The Spear is especially effective against the Factory Strider, as it seems to hone in on the Automaton Walker’s weak points automatically.

  • EAT-17
  • Recoilless Rifle
  • Spear

How To Destroy Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Sentry Turrets

Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Weakness Weak Point - How to Destroy Factory Strider Helldivers 2 (2)

The real problem when going up against a Factory Strider are the front-facing sentry turret or Gatling Guns that can shred through Helldivers like bologna. To take out the Sentry Turrets or the Gatling Guns on the Factory Strider’s chin, you’ll need a medium penetration primary weapon.

The best part is that enemy medium penetration weapon can get the job done. But I specifically recommend using the Dominator from a distance. With perfect range and a devastating kick in the damage department, it can take out each Gatling Gun in 4 shots–give or take. In addition, you can also opt for the Slugger, the Counter Diligence Sniper Rifle, the Senator or the Concussive Liberator to get the job done too.

Impact Grenades or the Scorcher despite a high damage output don’t do any considerable damage to the Gatling Guns found on the Factory Strider, so they’re out of the equation. In addition, you can go the route of using Support Weapons or Support Stratagems to take them out, but you’re better off saving them in the event of an emergency.

  • Senator
  • Dominator
  • Slugger
  • Counter Diligence Sniper Rifle
  • Any Support Stratagem

How To Destroy Factory Strider Fabricator Vents/ Factory Generators

Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Weakness Weakpoint

Found on the rear top of the Helldivers 2 Factory Strider head are these vents that pop up and down. You’d be surprised to know that these are known as Fabricators, which are responsible for all the annoying devastators that spawn every few seconds from the Factory Strider. You can take out these factory generator vents, fabricators or whatever you’d like to call them using any medium penetrating support weapon. But you’re better off saving your support weapons for either the Factory Strider’s main weapons.

Additional Tips on Dealing With Factory Striders in Helldivers 2

AP3 Light Armor Vents on Factory Striders Head
AP3 Light Armor Vents on Factory Striders Head

You can mix and match and destroy the Factory Strider’s weapons in any order you please. But what I’ve found to be effective is to take out the medium armored Turrets because they will insta-kill you. You can choose to ignore the Factory Generator Vents or Fabricators and dodge shots from the Canon Turret. And with that said, it’s time to dig into the actual Weaknesses and Weak points of the Factory Striders.

Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Weaknesses and Weak Points

How To Destroy Factory Strider in Helldivers 2

Head and Face (Between the Eyes or Facial Visor)

Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Weakness Weak Point - How to Destroy Factory Strider Helldivers 2

The Head of the Helldivers 2 Factory Strider is adorned with some tough heavy armor but if you look close enough, you’ll find a small slit or facial visor that you can shoot through using Support weapons or Stratagems. 

You can decide to blow off the Head or Facial Armor of the Factory Strider from a few shots using the EAT-17, Recoilless Rifle or the Quasar Cannon to completely reveal its weakness or weak point.

But if you want to speed things up, you can skip the above step and just shoot through the facial visor slit with an appropriate support Stratagem like the Autocannon, HMG Machine Gun, Anti-Material Rifle or the Laser Cannon. Shoot it between the eyes and the Factory Strider will go down in an instant.

  • EAT-17
  • Recoilless Rifle
  • Quasar Cannon
  • Autocannon
  • HMG Machine Gun
  • Anti-Material Rifle
  • Laser Cannon

Leg Joints or Knee Cap

Helldivers 2 Factory Strider Weakness Weak Point - How to Destroy Factory Strider Helldivers 2 (1)

Another weak point or weakness of the Helldivers 2 Factory Strider is its knees. To give it spaghetti legs, you could decide to use a Support Stratagem like the EAT-17 to expose the entirety of the weak spot or knee joint’s weakness. But there’s a small central spot on its Knee Joint that’s pretty weak to Medium Penetrating Support Weapons or Stratagems. It takes a bit longer as compared to the Face Weak point, but it’s still a viable option.

  • Any Medium Armor Penetrating Support Stratagem

Go Ham and Destroy Those Helldivers 2 Factory Striders NOW!

That pretty much wraps up everything you need to know about how to find Factory Strider Locations in Helldivers 2, their weak spots, weaknesses and how to destroy them. While these Devastator spawning machines seem daunting at first, you’re going to be dominating them now. Stay tuned for more Helldivers 2 guides, news, and updates at Esports Eclipse.

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